Incendi is a student company founded during my minor study entrepreneurship. The goal was to start and run a company with five students from the University of Arnhem and Nijmegen. My idea of producing exclusive 3D printed candleholders was chosen for the company idea, This idea was chosen because of the easy startup and I had all the needed skills to design a CAD model. This is how our student company Incendi started. I was responsible as chief of Research and Development and designed two different candleholders for Incendi.
I wanted to design something with an organic shape and light effect. I searched for inspiration looking at nature and landscapes. Finally I was inspired by creatures in and around the ocean. The design for the Corallo is inspired by a coral, using the outer shapes of a coral. The effect is inspired by reflections of light on the water surface.
All Incendi products are produced by 3D printing technique. This way I had a lot of freedom in designing a product with strange shapes, that could not be made by using other production techniques. 3D printing has also a lot of option for materials, we could print materials such as: plastic, glass, metal and also different finishes like gold or ceramics. Since the start of Incendi we decided that we wanted to keep the candle holders really exclusive so there was a limit of 100 pieces per model.
The Forza was the second product I designed for Incendi. The goal was to make a second Incendi product that was cheaper compared to the Corallo. By reducing the material, the Forza is now three times cheaper compared to Corallo. My inspiration for designing the Forza was to combine the effects of the Corallo and making it cheaper. The translation of Forza (Italian) is power, because we expected that the low production price of the Forza would make more sales.